

2024/04/25 12:42 |
6 September
雖然剛剛跟你見面, 但你走了後, 我又在掛念你, 每次當我感到孤單時, 就會很想在此留字. 的確, 寫完了後, 好像舒發了, 心情總好過些, 又可藉此跟你說些平時難以啟齒的說話, 令你更加明白我!
你今天跟我說謝謝我這樣愛你, 其實, 說這句話的, 應該是我才對, 我覺得我自己, 跟你的愛比上, 簡直是微不足道, 我自己刁蠻任性, 你卻接納我的缺點, 相比之下, 我並沒有為你犧牲過什麼~ 其實我真的覺得自己很幸運, 有個你這樣愛我的男人! 你真的令我對天長地久的愛情有點期望, 我希望我們所想都能實現! 就像你爸爸這樣愛你媽媽一樣!
其實每天都很想見你, 但又怕防礙你, 雖然你跟我說只要我們在一起, 怎樣的生活也覺得開心, 但總不能每天都談情說愛, 我很怕你會工作心散, 就像我當初一樣.
其實你並不需要妒忌其他人, 任何人更明白我也好, 我所選的都是你, 我所愛的也是你, 我的心裡只有你!

2006/12/14 12:27 | Comments(5) | TrackBack() | 未分類




今天看見你所寫的, 我真的覺得我已找到我所雖要的

7 September 1:28
posted by 澤少 at 2006/12/14 12:31 [ コメントを修正する ]
ON THE day she heads to Hong Kong on her latest international assignment, Miss Andretti will be named Australian Racehorse Of The Year. Miss Andretti, who will contest the $2.2 million Hong Kong Sprint on December 9, will be crowned at Randwick tonight as the champion horse of the 2006 07 season. In doing so, she will become the first specialist sprinter to win the title in 20 years. West Australian speedster Placid Ark is the last sprinter to win the title, and only four sprinters have received the accolade since...<br><a href='http://informator4you.com/news/38589'>http://informator4you.com/</a>
posted by qgoywwejlk at 2007/11/26 00:35 [ コメントを修正する ]
and waving flags and banners, massed outside the airport and along the road into the heart of this eastern city to give him a festive welcome home. "Nawaz Sharif's plane has landed," Mohammad Iftikhar, a senior official at Lahore's Allama Iqbal International Airport, told AFP. State television also announced the arrival of the premier whom President Pervez Musharraf, his then army chief, ousted in a coup in 1999 and exiled to Saudi Arabia a year later. It is Sharif's second return his first, on September 10 this year, ended just four hours later when he was unceremoniously deported back to Saudi Arabia. "Lahore will accord a rousing welcome to Nawaz Sharif, mark my words," his nephew Hamza...<br><a href='http://i-love-news.com/news/38584'>http://i-love-news.com/</a>
posted by hfxlmxgqpx at 2007/11/26 00:38 [ コメントを修正する ]
RISING interest rates can scare borrowers into fixing their home loans but South Australian financial experts warn it may not be the best option. A Smart Money round table forum heard that while fixed rates offer certainty, they can also have high exit fees and cost more than most variable rate loans. About Finance director Karen Bruce said borrowers should be careful not to fix for too long because there were heavy exit penalties for ending a loan if their personal circumstances changed. "A fixed rate break cost can be up to $3000 or $4000 depending on how early you try to get out of it," she said. Savings & Loans Credit Union chief economist Tony Fioretti said his view, after many years of managing interest rate exposure, was that variable rates were the way to go for most borrowers. "Unless borrowers are really willing to second guess financial markets and where...<br><a href='http://my-news-blog.com/news/38555'>http://my-news-blog.com/</a>
posted by gkwxitrfnb at 2007/11/26 00:40 [ コメントを修正する ]
RISING interest rates can scare borrowers into fixing their home loans but South Australian financial experts warn it may not be the best option. A Smart Money round table forum heard that while fixed rates offer certainty, they can also have high exit fees and cost more than most variable rate loans. About Finance director Karen Bruce said borrowers should be careful not to fix for too long because there were heavy exit penalties for ending a loan if their personal circumstances changed. "A fixed rate break cost can be up to $3000 or $4000 depending on how early you try to get out of it," she said. Savings & Loans Credit Union chief economist Tony Fioretti said his view, after many years of managing interest rate exposure, was that variable rates were the way to go for most borrowers. "Unless borrowers are really willing to second guess financial markets and where...<br><a href='http://my-news-blog.com/news/38555'>http://my-news-blog.com/</a>
posted by nyivqrotmr at 2007/11/26 00:41 [ コメントを修正する ]


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